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West Virginia Academy's

Student Housing Questionnaire

The answers to the following questions can help determine the services this student may be eligible to receive under the McKinney-Vento Act 42 U.S.C. 11435. The McKinney-Vento Act provides services and supports for children and youth experiencing homelessness (Please see reverse side for more information).

If the student lives in a home owned or rented by the parent or guardian, you do not need to complete this form unless there are inadequate facilities (no water, heat, electricity, etc.)

If the student does not live in a home owned or rented by the parent or guardian, please check all that apply below. (Submit form to the Student Success Office.)
Grade in school
Student is unaccompanied (not living with a parent or legal guardian)
Student is living with a parent or legal guardian

Please click NEXT at the bottom of this form, you will be taken to an informational sheet where you can submit at the bottom.

FOR SCHOOL USE ONLY:  For data collection purposes and student information system coding

Multi choice

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