WVA's Spring Musical 2025

West Virginia Academy is thrilled to announce auditions for our upcoming spring production of The Musical Roald Dahl's Matilda Jr.
Below is all the information you need to know to participate in this exciting opportunity. If you have any questions, please reach out to Lily Vredingburgh at Lily.Vredingburgh@westvirginiaacademy.org
Cast and Crew Information
Break Programming
Each cast member will pay $65 for the two-week practices during break programming. Full tech-rehearsals will take place on March 28th and 31st, so plan for longer days.
For scholars that want to help backstage, please signup for the mid-term break course entitled Matilda Stage Crew. The cost is $65 for each week.
Performance Information
Matilda will be performed at The Encore (720 Powell Avenue, Morgantown)
Show details
There will be 3 performances:
Thursday, April 3
Curtain Call is 6:00PM
Stage Crew must arrive by 4:00PM
Cast with microphones need to arrive at 4:30PM
All of other Cast members arrive by 5:00PM
Friday, April 4
Curtain Call is 6:00PM
Cast with microphones need to arrive at 4:30PM
All other cast and crew need to arrive by 5:00PM
Saturday, April 5
Curtain Call 11:30
Cast with Microphones need to arrive by 10:00AM
All other cast and crew need to arrive by 10:30AM